Tag: javascript (12 posts)
Hotwire Turbo: Drive, Frames and Streams for Ruby on Rail projects
Taking your app to the next level, without JavaScript

Why and how I moved my blog away from Gatsby and React to Astro Js and Preact
Astro is primarily a static site generator. It allows you to structure your site however you want and generate HTML pages only once, using components.

Why Nest JS is one of the best Node backend frameworks?
And why I would choose it for my next project

Laravel Livewire: Reload same page after some event and time
Using a simple Javascript trick

Eslint: How to print the current configuration from a project
As a JSON file

React Native & Jest: Mock Platform OS and color scheme
Testing the code as iOS, iPad and Android device. Light mode and dark mode

TypeORM: search in relationships (ft. NestJS)
Using TypeORM and NestJS

Gatsby: Code syntax highlighting with react-prism-renderer
For different coding languages

Why I moved my blog from WordPress to Gatsby? (8 reasons as a developer)
8 reasons as developer

React Native - Create custom iPad screen
Using React Native and React Navigation

Sequelize Pagination with Typescript
I was looking if there was a function to make a paginator for myself using Sequelize with Typescript. I found a lot of tutorials that teach you how to calculate the offset and the number of pages.

Adonis JS: Using Laravel Mix function
A function often used in many Laravel projects