Vim, Jetbrains or Vscode Vim Mode: Improve navigation between splits
🤔 Why I wanted to avoid using the default shortcut
I got used to the VIM workflow since 1 year ago. And since I’m a heavy user between panes and the file tree. I wanted to implement a better way to do it. Let’s remember that VIM (or any editor with a mode based on it), brings default shortcuts to accomplish that.
+ w
+ ( h
or j
or k
or l
) = Move between panels
Windows and Linux users replace the ^
with Ctrl
But what if we just skip that w
? Since we move between lines with hjkl
. Wouldn’t it be easier to add Ctrl
or ^
and the direction key to move between panes? I often move between splits in VIM, Neovim, Jetbrains and Vscode. So I wanted to have a unified flow. Here is how I accomplished it.
đź› Vim & Neovim solution
I put next content in ~/.vimrc
or my ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
map <C-j> <C-W>jmap <C-k> <C-W>kmap <C-h> <C-W>hmap <C-l> <C-W>l
đź› Vscode solution
It must be edited in the settings.json
file from Vscode. This works if you’re using the Vim package.
"vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [ { "before": ["<C-k>"], "commands": ["workbench.action.navigateUp"] }, { "before": ["<C-j>"], "commands": ["workbench.action.navigateDown"] }, { "before": ["<C-h>"], "commands": ["workbench.action.navigateLeft"] }, { "before": ["<C-l>"], "commands": ["workbench.action.navigateRight"] } ],
đź› Jetbrains solution
Remember to install Ideavim . This will look any config into your ~/.ideavimrc
:map <C-j> <C-W>j:map <C-k> <C-W>k:map <C-h> <C-W>h:map <C-l> <C-W>l
▶️ Testing it
To make it work, restart any of your editors. Now you should be able to move quickly between panes.