Tmux: Prefix Ctrl-Space not working on macOS
🤔 How did this happen?
I was configuring a new Mac. And after installing my Tmux profile with all the plugins that I needed. The shortcut wasn’t working. I tried the same command in all my terminals that I have installed: Kitty, Alacritty and the Terminal.app.
I changed the default Tmux shortcut Ctrl-B
or ^-B
to ^-Space
, because I feel it is more flexible.
It was really weird because the same shortcut was working in my old (but strong) Macbook from 2019.
This is the config that I have in my ~/.tmux.conf
# Rebind prefix keyunbind C-bset-option -g prefix C-Spacebind-key C-Space send-prefix
🔨 The solution
There is a default shortcut on Mac used to move between input sources. You’ll need to go to your Mac settings
→ Keyboard
→ Keyboard Shortcuts
→ Input sources
. Then, disable both shortcuts over there.
📷 Screenshots
Finding the option could be complicated. I’ll post the screenshots that I took from macOS Ventura.